Saddleback Church Discipleship Program

Saddleback Church Discipleship Program 8,7/10 7524reviews

WyGl/lzSyC2I2QMwavICckM88cpCJ8FIs1XMWZ7yf82vvPjKeXA/6nJvOANbKD+6E9KHbfHGSofRXJ60JWLrUiuSfAKOX4TPiJO0MIF7tx4mvbjUT8Q==' alt='Saddleback Church Discipleship Program' title='Saddleback Church Discipleship Program' />From the Lighthouse Blog. Purpose Driven Movement Also see Part 1 Commentary Assembly of God AOG General Council to Vote on Resolution Against Israel and Part 3 A Further Unveiling of Assemblies of God Resolution 3 the Serious ImplicationsBy the Editors at Lighthouse Trails. On July 2. 8th, Lighthouse Trails posted a commentary by Lighthouse Trails author Cedric Fisher titled Assembly of God AOG General Council to Vote on Resolution Against Israel. This commentary set off a fire storm on the Internet, and on Saturday July 2. Lighthouse Trails editors received an e mail from Dr. George Wood General Superintendent of the Assemblies of God. Dr. Wood is familiar with Lighthouse Trails because of a controversy in 2. Dr. Wood gave his blessing and permission for contemplative emergent Ruth Haley Barton to speak at the 2. Ao. G General Council Conference resulting in some Lighthouse Trails articles addressing the seriousness of such promotion. Has your church turned Orange If your childrens ministry leaders have suddenly put your childrens discipleship in the hands of Andy Stanleys Orange. If there is anything that Calvary Chapel prides itself in its in the fact that it is nondenominational. An excerpt from a popular Calvary Chapel website states. A ministry with conferences to help churches grow. Multilingual site. WARNING BILL JOHNSON and BETHEL CHURCH. Andrew Strom. I am really hoping to make this the last of this type of article for awhile. Some people think I love. Shortly after Lighthouse Trails editors received the e mail from Dr. Wood on the 2. 9th regarding our recent posting of Cedric Fishers commentary, we learned that the e mail was being distributed on the Internet. Because Dr. Wood has made his e mail public, we are responding in the public arena and because his e mail stated that the commentary we posted is false, meretricious, and slanderous, we are compelled to issue this response. Below is Dr. Woods e mail to Lighthouse Trails editors in its entirety in black bold along with response comments by us in indented non bold green paragraphs. After you have read this section, please see a response written by Cedric Fisher regarding Dr. Woods e mail. Dr. George Wood, General Superintendent of Ao. GDr. George Woods e mail to Lighthouse Trails I dont know exactly who to address this to, so I have included all the email contact points provided on your website. I am asking you to retract and apologize for the totally incorrect article you published on July 2. Commentary Assembly of God AOG General Council to Vote on Resolution Against Israel. Here are the facts, as opposed to the lies given by Cedric Fisher. Resolution 3 doesnt mention Israel at all. Sample dissertations and applied research projects by recent graduates of the DMin program. It has nothing to do with Israel. As general superintendent, I am not indicating my support or opposition to this resolution as it comes from delegates to our General Council but, I can tell you for a fact that you can search this resolution with a microscope and you will find no reference to Israel, nor will you find any intention that this resolution applies to Israel. Heres the full text of the resolution http generalcouncil. GC1. 72. 01. 7GCResolutions. Booklet. pdf laen. Our Response It is true that Resolution 3 does not mention Israel at all, and Cedric Fisher never said that it did. However, the resolution absolutely connects Israel with the Resolution when it states Furthermore, the Commission on Doctrinal Purity and the General Presbytery approved the 1. Assemblies of God position paper entitled, Church Mission and Peacemaking. It is in that position paper that Israel is discussed and clearly rebuked as the guilty party for causing conflict. There is no mention of IslamicMuslim wrong doing in the position paper. We realize that some reading Church Mission and Peacemaking may not see how it is implicating modern day Israel, especially if they are not familiar with the present efforts to put most or all of the blame on Israel for Middle East conflict. The AG position paper is titled, Church Mission and Peacemaking. Lighthouse Trails added and Israel, even though the position paper doesnt mention issues regarding the modern state of Israel. Heres the position paper https ag. BeliefsTopics IndexChurch Mission and Peacemaking. Our Response The phrase and Israel was mistakenly added twice in one sentence. We have now corrected that error. However, this does not change the context of the position paper. Dr. Wood says that the position paper doesnt mention issues regarding the modern state of Israel, but we believe that is exactly what that position paper is doing. Israelthe Churchs Response is not a position paper. Its what we call a common concerns article. It was written by the Office of Public Relations over 1. Heres the article itself https ag. BeliefsTopics IndexIsrael the Churchs Response. Heres the topic index of other common concern articles https ag. BeliefsTopics Index. Our Response Cedric Fishers commentary did call both papers position papers when in reality Israel The Churchs Response is not an official Ao. G position paper. Rather, it is listed under Ao. G Beliefs on their website and described as based upon Ao. G common understanding of scriptural teaching. BeliefsTopics Index4. By mixing quotations from the position paper and the common concerns article, Lighthouse Trails concocts a belief that simply doesnt exist. Our Response We dont agree with Dr. Woods assumption here. Keyboard Yamaha Style Free Download'>Keyboard Yamaha Style Free Download. To say that an argument cant be proven by using different credible and related documents is faulty reasoning. The article goes on to talk about Rick Warrens PEACE plan, which is NOT mentioned in Resolution 3, the position paper, or the common concerns article. It then states, Resolution 3 is an attempt to present a more powerful statement of disassociation with Israel. But Resolution 3 doesnt mention the contemporary state of Israel at all, let alone a more powerful statement of disassociation with Israel. This is simply a lie. Our Response As for Rick Warrens influence within the Ao. First Time on this page. G, this could be proven in a number of different ways not to mention that he is one of the keynote speakers at this years Ao. G General Council along with Mark Batterson Circle Maker and Priscilla Shirer contemplative teacher, but we will provide this one piece of documentation. In a 2. 00. 8 Time Magazine article titled Rick Warren Goes Global, it states Warren is particularly excited by the hands on involvement of some of the larger players in the Evangelical community. A guy was going, Ill take Mozambique, and another guy was going Ill take Nigeria, he said happily, adding that hes already secured personal commitments from influential leaders in the Salvation Army and the Assemblies of God the largest Pentecostal denomination. Theyve said, theyre in, and they have to get their boards along, he reported. Since 2. 00. 8, the Purpose Driven paradigm has continued to have a major influence in nearly all evangelical denominations, including Assemblies of God. Regarding Dr. Woods statement that it is a lie to say that Resolution 3 is anti Israel, it is not. This resolution was worded in such a way as to not appear to be directly implicating modern Israel. Ao. G General Superintendent George O. Wood and other leaders of the denomination appear enamored with Warren to the extent they are virtually subservient. That would be news to me, Rick Warren, and other leaders of the denomination. Furthermore, there is no denomination more active than ours in evangelizing Muslims. See our response in point 5. As is typical of Lighthouse Trails, you engage in six degrees of separation conspiracy mongering.

This entry was posted on 9/8/2017.